Your rights at work in Germany

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2018 - 10:00 bis 16:00
Ausreichend Plätze frei

... What are your rights at work in Germany?

... and who does what to make sure that your rights are respected?

This english language workshop is aimed at union members in both public and private sector education who want to become more active in the GEW.

It will cover the basics of German Labour Law and the roles of unions and Works Councils (both Betriebsräte and Personalräte).

Looking at concrete examples from strikes around national pay scales (Tarifrunden) to issues around understaffing and overwork (Gefährdungsanzeigen),
we'll discuss options for action and look at some of the points of tension between the two structures.

If you have concrete questions that you'd like to discuss please mail them to ... we'll do our best to work them in.


kostenlos für GEW-Mitglieder (Nicht-Mitglieder 80 €)