New tools and strategies for young activists of European Teachers' Unions

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2018 - 9:00 bis 17:00
Ausreichend Plätze frei

One of the main problems for teachers’ unions in Europe is to motivate people to participate actively. In this seminar we are going to talk about campaigning, organizing strategies and possibilities to create public awareness of problems at school.

The seminar’s central questions are: What motivates us to engage ourselves in a union? What are opportunities and obstacles for successful campaigns? How can we be on the one hand on the move and do useful things for the union as well as for us and on the other hand be relaxed and act without having to struggle with a too heavy workload? How can school connect with and influence its direct neighbourhood?

We are looking for active union members who want to broaden their horizons on new tools for union work.

Seminar Fee: free of charge incl. full board


kostenlos incl. Verpflegung